The Challenge
Remember the age-old tension between publishers and agencies? Neither do we.
When C&EN’s market, content and distribution expertise meets our agency partner’s client, marketing and advertising expertise, it always works out better for our clients. At C&EN BrandLab, we work together to deliver answers to client challenges, and our campaigns with agency partners are among our strongest.
How does C&EN and Ogilvy work together?
Our Approach:
Through the lens of Ogilvy: How collaboration worked
Determining campaign strategy
Working out a project plan & points of collaboration
Accountability and optimization for client goals
The Program
At right, screenshots show the outcome of a productive collaboration for the client, Chemours. Content is dynamic, highly visual, and on-brand — and proved interesting to C&EN’s senior-level audience. The campaign out-performed benchmarks set at the onset of the project.
In addition, Ogilvy could then take our content direction and storytelling and create their own companion content to live on Chemours own website.

The Results
By working together to strategize, create, distribute and optimize, the partnership between C&EN and Ogilvy produced significant results for Chemours. These results were tracked through on-site analytics, in addition to three benchmark surveys run across the campaign.
Of readers were involved in the purchasing process
Growth in total audience perception that Chemours “drives innovation in products”
Of readers were more likely to purchase Chemours products after reading