Demonstration product capabilities in solving global environmental challenges

The Challenge
TA Instruments (Waters Corp.) wanted an effective lead generation tool that would capture leads and drive sales for its polymer and additive manufacturing instrumentation business. TA Instruments wanted to demonstrate how measurements of fundamental polymer properties could help tackle plastics waste problems. The measurements provide information that can help scientists and engineers manage variability when using recycled plastics feedstocks, called post-consumer resin (PCR). The challenge was how to present the sustainability connections in a format that was easily understood by R&D scientists in the polymer industry.
C&EN BrandLab was tasked with solving this question from the team:
The Program
C&EN BrandLab proposed a solution for a custom white paper that would allow TA Instruments to highlight the current challenges in plastics recycling, sources of variability in PCR feedstocks, and explain how scientists can adjust formulations while using PCR in production. The team worked closely with TA Instruments to develop the content of the white paper, and also created a marketing strategy for launch that would help them meet a guaranteed number of leads for their sales pipeline.

The Results
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