The Challenge
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, a leading global manufacturer of precision instruments and services for use in laboratories and manufacturing was looking for the best strategy to promote a whitepaper geared towards their automated representative sampling solutions.
C&EN Media Group was tasked with solving these questions from the team:
Our Approach:
Using rich media ad units to distribute content
Targeting the right audience
Presenting to the audience the right way
The Program
C&EN worked with Mettler-Toledo to select two of our most effective digital offerings for their campaign to have optimal exposure across the OPR&D journal. Appearing at the very top of the site, the header revealer ads are the first thing readers engage with. Mettler-Toledo incorporated a video to within the rich media unit alongside the ca l to action to download the white paper showcasing a case study with high profile client, Pfizer. In addition to this header revealer ad, Mettler-Toledo also selected our native style ad units. These appear seamlessly alongside journal content with an image paired with a headline, description and image.

The Results
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem’s ads received outstanding results with their targeted approach and the engaging ad units. The header revealer CTR did exceptionally well, 57% higher than average CTRs. The audience responded just as well to their native ad unit, performing 129% higher than average CTRs.Thermo Fisher Scientific’s campaign received a CTR of 0.18%. The targeted approach used by C&EN produced a high performing CTR, more than double the average for this type of advertisements.
Total Impressions
Header Revealer CTR
Native Ad CTR
Header Revealer Engag. Rate