The Challenge
Phenomenex sought a lead generation campaign to highlight how mobile phase optimization can maximize selectivity in HPLC method development. They provided C&EN with an existing webinar in MP4 video format with the goal of reaching scientists new to HPLC method development. These scientists are interested in learning the basics of different stationary phase interactions based on compound class, with the intention of adding them to their sales funnel for fo low-up after the campaign.
C&EN Media Group was tasked with solving these questions from the team:
The Solution
C&EN devised a comprehensive marketing strategy for Phenomenex, which included a customized registration page, banner ads, and a custom e-blast to generate leads for their sales team. C&EN hosted the MP4 file on its video platform and included the link on the confirmation page and in the email. The campaign was highly successful, Phenomenex not only exceeded the guaranteed number of leads but also garnered several prospects interested in being contacted for potential business opportunities. Additiona ly, their video provided measurable metrics for video views and engagement.
The Results
Playback Requests