Time flies when you are having fun, and I have been having lots of fun since I started at C&EN. I have been at the helm of the publication for more than two years, and it is still remarkable to think of what we’ve achieved:
Exactly one year ago, on February 29th we debuted our print magazine’s redesign. What readers love most was put front and center of this effort; our news section was completely reinvented; and features and cover stories got a new, more engaging treatment. The result is pages full of energy and dynamism that are a joy to read and browse.
Soon it’ll also be the second birthday of our weekly eNewsletter, which every Wednesday provides ACS members with a curated view of the week in the chemical enterprise. The appetite readers have shown for this newsletter has been overwhelming, with record open rates of over 50% and a circulation of more than 150,000. To put it in perspective, this subscriber base is more than The Atlantics! To celebrate this success, in May last year we launched a sister version for non-members. Although it is less than one year old, it now boasts a circulation greater than 22,000 and equally excellent open rates of 45%.
Last year we also undertook a web refresh to align our online properties with the print redesign, offering a consistent look and feel across all products, and enhanced our readers’ mobile reading experience.
Besides these sizeable activities, we have also undertaken a myriad of other ‘smaller’ projects, such as translations of select content into Spanish and Chinese. We have developed new story features such as C&EN’s Top 10 Start-Ups to Watch, and C&EN’s Talented 12, an accolade that recognizes the talent of young trailblazers in the chemical sciences. (In 2017 we will celebrate its third edition.) We have grown and refined other offerings such as our Nobel coverage: this ‘season’ we introduced a new, interactive database of Nobel Prize nominations. We also created a Facebook messenger bot to guide readers through the information, and created an interactive world map that displays geographic distribution by birth, affiliation at the time of the award, and place of death of chemistry’s 171 Nobel winners. All this in addition to a predictions webinar and up-to-the-minute daily coverage as the Nobels were announced. All of these efforts have been recognized by readers, advertisers, and the publishing industry, including a FOLIO: Best Use of Social Media award last December.
What to expect in 2017?
In 2017 you can expect more innovation, more change, more fun! The activities highlighted above have yielded over 30% increase in web usage, and a very healthy growth in social media followers. We have built great momentum for C&EN, and we are well placed to take advantage of it.
Currently we are preparing for Pittcon, and will be in Chicago in about a week. After this comes the ACS National meeting in San Francisco, closely followed by CPhI North America in Philadelphia, IUPAC in Sao Paulo, and CPhI Worldwide in Frankfurt. We hope you come visit us at our booths, or email our account executives at advertising@acs.org at any time!
See you all shortly in the Windy City!
Bibiana Campos Seijo