Uplifting Underrepresented Scientific Voices at C&EN

C&EN’s diversity committee chair discusses how C&EN is approaching diversity and inclusion in our newsroom, and how our new advertising program can help bring voices and trailblazing scientific successes of underrepresented scientists to the forefront of C&EN.

By C&EN Media Group

Reading Time: 3 minutes

by Kierra Tobiere | Chair, DEIR Committee & Revenue Marketing Manager at C&EN Media Group

Like many other associations and organizations across the globe, the ongoing racial, political and social unrest in the United States has pushed C&EN to take a harder look at how we approach diversity. In doing so, C&EN realized that as an influential publication that chemical scientists around the world turn to everyday, we needed to be proactive in ensuring that our editorial products and advertising channels are truly diverse and inclusive.

“Diversity, inclusion, and respect are core values of the American Chemical Society’ wrote C&EN’s Editor in Chief Bibiana Campos Seijo in an editorial posted after the killing of George Floyd last summer. [ACS publishes C&EN]. “But core values mean nothing if we do not take action to make sure they are in practice.”

“C&EN can do better,” she adds. “We’ve been consciously working to include diverse voices in our pages, and that work will continue. We recognize our shortcomings in building a more diverse staff and are taking action to build that pipeline.”

One of the actions that C&EN has taken as a result of our renewed commitment to fight discrimination and injustice is the creation of the C&EN Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Respect Committee. The Committee was founded in August 2020, and tasked with laying the groundwork for initiatives and best practices that will continue to push C&EN to deliver stories, images, social posts, marketing campaigns, and other content that truly represent our diverse audience. Most importantly, the committee was tasked with helping our colleagues bring the faces, voices, stories and scientific successes of trailblazing underrepresented scientists to the forefront of C&EN through these new initiatives. 

There are a number of great things our editorial colleagues are doing that will be announced on cen.acs.org in the coming weeks. In the meantime, for our marketing community, we wanted to specifically highlight an effort in the advertising space here on C&EN Marketing Elements.

Approaching Diversity Through Marketing

One way we are approaching this effort is through the C&EN Complimentary Advertising Program, which provides underrepresented chemistry groups or associations free print and digital advertisement on C&EN and ACS’s websites and social accounts.

Through this program, the C&EN Media Group hopes to further remove barriers and amplify initiatives related to diversity and inclusion. We hope that by leveraging our audiences, as well as the capabilities of our in-house ad products and services, we can elevate the brand messaging and programs from underserved communities. Here is more information on how you can participate.

How do I apply to this program?

Interested participants must be a part of an underrepresented scientific group or association, and are required to submit a formal request of consideration to the C&EN DEIR Committee via email at cendiversity@acs.org.

The request should include your organization’s website address and a brief description of the program or event you are looking to advertise. 

Within 7-14 business days, the C&EN DEIR Committee will evaluate your request, and if you qualify, will prompt you to complete an online application. There you can provide desired run date and additional information about your program or event, including the overall need of your program in the community, which underserved communities it supports, and how promotions through C&EN would further the program.

Past recipients of these advertising grants have included LatinXChem, #BlackInChem Week, #BlackInNano Week, and NOBBChE (National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers).

What types of complimentary advertising is offered through this program?

Available C&EN advertising products include digital banner ads, print advertisements in weekly C&EN issues, social media posts, and newsletter ads.

To learn more about these products and past clients we have worked with, download the C&EN 2021 Media Kit here. Our production team will work with you to provide specs and more information on materials needed to run your ads, although you should have your creative ready if your application is approved. 

The change we are looking to create

C&EN understands that these underrepresented groups and associations are the pillars of the scientific community, and we are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within our own editorial scientific enterprise. 

If you are a part of an underrepresented organization that we should consider, or know of one, feel free to contact us at cendiversity@acs.org to learn more about this grant program.

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