Case Study Library

Case Study Library

Proven Results with C&EN Media Group

See how companies in the chemical sciences have leveraged the world’s largest scientific society, using the distribution, marketing expertise, and advertising services of the C&EN Media Group. Browse examples from our native advertising clients, lead generation tactics, C&ENjobs recruitment advertising options, and more in our case study library below.

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Lead Generation
Digital Advertising
Custom Content
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem Header Revealer Ad

Promoting high value content in rich media and native ad units

Mettler-Toledo AutoChem was looking for the best strategy to promote a whitepaper geared towards their automated representative sampling solutions. By leveraging high-impact header revealers and native ad campaigns, they were able to achieve click-through rates of 57-129% higher than average.

Scientific Software Company Newsletter Ad

Expanding campaign reach and
driving conversions with newsletters

A web-based database solutions provider, aimed to address the problem of inefficient data management in the field of biological and chemical research. Through a sponsored content campaign in the C&EN Newsletter, the company was able to generate brand awareness and drive interest in its webinar.

2024 Thermo Fisher Scientific Display Ad - C&EN Media Group Case Study

Reaching scientists in Food & Agriculture

Thermo Fisher Scientific needed a digital strategy to distribute their report on food contaminant and to enhance awareness of their chromatography and mass spectrometry technology. Through a targeted, high-visibility display ad campaign, they were able to achieve more than 174K impressions and a high performing CTR, more than double the average for this type of advertisements.

Reaching an Active Audience with High-Impact Ads

BioTools approached C&EN Media Group to help them generate awareness of their VCD measurement software and instrumentation product. Through a 3-month rich media campaign with our high-impact In-Article revealer ad on C&EN online, BioTools was able to reach an active audience of chemists and engineers resulting in a high click-through rate.

Driving Video Engagement with High-Impact Ad Units

Nanalysis came to C&EN Media Group with the mission of promoting a series of online webinar presentations they had posted to their YouTube channel. Through a high-impact digital ad campaign, we were able to generate a CTR 4 times higher than our already high ACS Journals site average.

Reaching an Engaged Audience Through Right Medium and Format

New Age Industries wanted to reach chemists that would use their high-quality fluid transfer tubing, hose, fittings, clamps, and other services. With an engaging image and detailed product description, New Age Industries’ Sponsored Content ad received over 200 clicks in our C&EN Weekly Newsletter.

High Engagement Powered by High Impact Units

Looking to drive global brand awareness around its SomaScan® Assay product, a revolutionary proteomic technology platform, Somalogic worked with the C&EN team to create an impactful digital campaign that would reach its target market of pharmaceutical and academic R&D professionals.

Building Awareness & Driving Product Adoption

Eurofins Environment Testing America needed help designing a campaign launch of their exciting new product empowerDX, a PFAS Exposure™ Blood Test. See how C&EN’s robust advertising tools optimized their Native Ad to perform at 3X the average CTR.

Capturing Interest from a Niche Target Audience

Drexel University wanted to promote a comprehensive online course on synthesizing and characterizing MXene, a class of two-dimensional inorganic compounds. C&EN Media Group’s Digital Display Ad campaign delivered 3X the average CTR to secure targeted registrations.

Reaching the Right Audience to Drive Product Usage

A scientific software company approached C&EN with a challenge: How could they drive adoption and usage of a new, free data visualization tool? The C&EN team worked with this company on an integrated campaign, which included a strong presence in C&EN’s weekly newsletter of 151,000 ACS members and subscribers.

Building Awareness in the Biotech Industry

Broadpharm reached out to C&EN Media Group with the goal of reaching professionals in the Biotech Industry. By placing engaging ads in select ACS journals, Broadpharm was able to reach a highly targeted audience and build awareness with 4,633,991 impressions and 3,447 clicks.

Leveraging Video in Advertising Campaigns

Sciex came to C&EN to promote a new portfolio of video testimonials on their website. Through a Native ad campaign within the ACS Journal of the American Society for MassSpectrometry, Sciex was able to achieve a CTR 275% higher than average across ACS Journals.

Creating Easy Wins: How to Deliver Existing Content in New Ways

Our client needed to drive traffic and conversions to their site for their extensive range of high quality coupling reagents for in situ activation. They even already had the content they needed. Their challenge? Reaching their target audience in a way that would be informative, engaging and valuable to the reader.

2024 - Phenomenex Supplied Webinar Case Study

Reusing Existing Webinar to Drive Leads

Phenomenex sought a lead generation campaign to highlight how mobile phase optimization can maximize selectivity in HPLC method development. They provided C&EN with an existing webinar in MP4 video format and generated 237 leads, reaching scientists new to HPLC method development.

Using the Predict-First Paradigm to Solve Drug Discovery Challenges

Schrödinger looked to C&EN Media Group to develop a strategy on how they could effectively showcase their digital chemistry strategy and cloud-native environment LiveDesign. Through a robust C&EN webinar program, Schrödinger was able attract qualified leads and covert 32% of its attendees.

Addressing Pain Points and Solubility Challenges for Drug Discovery

Technobis Crystallization Systems sought to partner with C&EN Media Group on identifying opportunities to reach an audience of chemists in the pharmaceutical space and drive leads for their sales pipeline. Through a supplied White Paper Campaign, C&EN was able to help Technobis surpass its guaranteed lead goal of 100 by 658%.

Solving Drug Discovery Challenges with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

MilliporeSigma turned to C&EN Media Group to effectively demonstrate solving drug design challenges with validated AI/ML methods and computational tools with the AIDDISON™ integrated platform. By implementing a highly effective lead generation webinar campaign, C&EN Media Group was able to surpass MilliporeSigma’s guaranteed lead goal of 600 by over 103%.

How Informative Content Resonates with Audiences and Delivers Results

MAC-MOD Analytical sought to work with a media partner on developing the right distribution strategy for its informative guide on LC Chromatography Troubleshooting that would drive sales leads. C&EN Media Group delivered a campaign that surpassed its guaranteed lead goal by 300%.

Building Brand Reputation and Leading the Way for Sustainability

Biovia reached out to C&EN BrandLab with the goal to become a global brand leader
in molecular modeling software, and to generate lead for their sales funnel. Through a custom eBook campaign, Biovia exceeded their guaranteed number of leads for their sales pipeline.

How Valuable Content Delivers for Both the Brand & The Audience

Bruker Daltonics sought a lead generation campaign around its MatrixAssisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) tool. C&EN Media Group’s interactive webinar program was able to reach Bruker’s target audience, delivering over 1,000 webinar registrations and 61 prospects actively seeking to buy.

Demonstration Product Capabilities in Solving Global Environmental Challenges

C&EN BrandLab worked with TA Instruments to create a custom white paper on challenges in plastics recycling and how scientists can adjust formulations while using PCR in production. Through a targeted marketing strategy, BrandLab was able to deliver 764 leads for their sales pipeline.

Building Awareness of a Product with Many Applications

Evonik is one of the world’s largest producers of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid for different applications. However, awareness of Evonik as a hydrogen peroxide producer was low in several market segments. The company wanted to showcase the different ways in which hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid are used and build a healthy sales
pipeline as a result of their efforts.

Demonstrating Expertise in a Niche Chemistry Field

ThermoFisher Scientific wanted to promote their products to analytical chemists — specifically, analytical chemists performing MS in the field of proteomics. The company wanted to find these high-value targets, engage them in education about Nano-LC, and build a healthy sales pipeline as a result of their efforts.

Extending the Shelf Life: Create Once, Publish Everywhere

With all the time and effort that goes in to lead generation programs, how can you ensure you’re maximizing the investment, and continually feeding your sales pipeline? See how the C&EN Media Group team utilized existing content to keep a successful campaign going for Protochips.

Increasing Consumer Awareness and Demand for Sustainability with Custom Content

Consumers increasingly demand sustainability in their products, driving growth in renewable agriculturally derived materials. The United Soybean Board (USB) wanted an effective white paper campaign to capture leads while educating their target audience on how soy feedstocks can create environmentally-friendly plastics.

C&EN BrandLab Case Study | Cresset White Paper

Connecting with Chemists

Scientists crave content that explains cutting-edge technology in a digestible
format. C&EN BrandLab created a white paper that explored how Cresset’s software allows
researchers without experience in cheminformatics to take advantage of free energy
calculations. This easy-to-understand resource exceeded Cresset’s lead guarantee by 320%!

US Soy Biobased Building with Soy eBook Campaign

A content strategy designed to “sustain” and engage audiences.

U.S. Soy needed to raise awareness about the industrial applications of soy. They partnered with C&EN BrandLab and produced an eBook titled, “Biobased Building with Soy,” highlighting soy-based construction materials as a sustainable alternative to petrochemical-based products. Through a multi-channel marketing campaign, the eBook exceeded its lead generation goal by 156%!

Driving Leads by Solving Audience Needs

Through audience research, MilliporeSigma and C&EN BrandLab identified an opportunity for technical discussions on better ways to manage data. In response, BrandLab produced 2 webinars and 4 white papers on data standards and best practices. By sharing technical details that solve audience-reported challenges, the 9-month campaign was irresistible to readers and yielded more than 4,400 leads.

Event Activation Fuels Brand Awareness Content

The Welch Foundation partnered with C&EN BrandLab to create an Audio Lounge experience at the 2022 Welch Conference. BrandLab conducted interviews with attendees – including 2022 Welch Awardee and Nobel Laureate Carolyn Bertozzi – and worked with the team to create a captivating audio story and an engaging multimedia article that generated 2.1M+ total campaign impressions.

Solutions-Focused Brand Awareness Informed by Audience Research

MilliporeSigma partnered with C&EN BrandLab to perform audience research and create custom content that showcased the brand as a digital technology company committed to supporting chemistry R&D. Through a solution-focused native feature and interactive game, the campaign delivered unparalleled brand engagement.

Champion & Celebrate Diversity in Chemistry

The medicinal chemistry leadership at Pfizer was interested in celebrating diversity in chemistry and worked with C&EN BrandLab two years in a row on social media campaigns to do so. By demonstrating the company’s dedication to supporting scientists from all walks of life, Pfizer would like to specifically target and recruit diverse chemists to join their organization.

Using Curiosity to Increase Brand Awareness

Ace Glass wanted to raise awareness of its brand as a premium provider of scientific glassware, lab equipment and glass apparatus. C&EN BrandLab developed a quiz that quickly became a top performer across all C&EN content, driving over 1.3 million impressions across our digital promotions.

How a Long-Term Partnership Brought content to the Forefront to Elevate a Brand

C&EN BrandLab and W.R. Grace created a unique program to activate their target audience’s curiosity, integrating storytelling into all elements of the campaign and delivering 8.5 million impressions and 1,500 leads.

Creating Market Buzz with a New Product Launch

How can a company launch a product to market, make a splash, and keep it going? With over 1,000 event registrations, 800+ livestream viewers, and 700,000 impressions to post-event content. See how C&EN and C&EN BrandLab drew excitement, credibility and buzz for IKA’s revolutionary next-generation lab equipment.

Improving Advertising Performance

Can you change how you invest your advertising budget to get a better return? C&EN devised a plan to create a custom content campaign to highlight lesser-known markets and demonstrate Ashland’s commitment to customer integrity and profitability. And it worked: with over 77% of readers noting they learned something about Ashland, while 49% said reading the content increased their likelihood of buying.

Agency-Publisher Collaboration Creates Client Success

When C&EN’s market, content and distribution expertise meets our agency partner’s client, marketing and advertising expertise, it always works out better for our clients. At C&EN BrandLab, we work together to deliver answers to client challenges, and our campaigns with agency partners are among our strongest.

Attracting Faculty & Students in a Competitive Marketplace

C&ENjobs and ShanghaiTech worked together to develop a strategy that would not only
successfully recruit students, postdocs, research scientists and faculty, but also showcase the university’s rich research capabilities and resources.

Improving Employer Branding in Lesser Known Markets

As a global powerhouse, Hewlett Packard is known for its advances in technology. However, the company needed help expanding its reputation as a chemical company, one that hires not only engineers, but also chemists and chemical engineers. HP partnered with C&EN to build a pipeline of interest for future openings.

Attracting Scientific Talent in a Competitive Marketplace

How do you compete in the increasingly competitive scientific talent marketplace? For KAUST to successfully recruit students, postdocs, research scientists and faculty, C&ENjobs recommended a three-step process to get attention from the right applicants and separate from competition.

Contact us to collaborate on your next campaign!