• C&EN White paper and Webinar Guidelines

C&EN Media Group offers a suite of lead generation products, with webinars and white papers being top picks for B2B advertisers in the chemical enterprise. Ninety seven percent of ACS members and subscribers find webinars and white papers to be a leading member benefit; they view these resources as an important source of information to learn the applications of the latest products and services. To ensure your campaign is set up for success, our experienced team of science writers and editors review all forms of content to confirm it is informative and engaging enough to prompt members of our audience to register or download the content. We have developed some best practices to launch a successful campaign for each of our webinar and white paper products. We’ve listed some factors for you to consider as you think about your campaign.

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Supplied White papers & eBooks

We invite advertisers to leverage supplied white papers or app notes that are promoted through the C&EN and ACS network. The most successful supplied white papers or app notes focus on the development and applications of specialty chemicals, instruments, methods or services.

Below are a few things to follow for supplied content:

  • Verify that all content is scientifically accurate
  • Write the content for a broad audience of scientists, not just your customers.
  • The content should not be overly commercial. It cannot heavily promote your own products or services. Instead, it should focus on the applications/methods/insights that are useful to even those scientists who don’t use your products and services.
  • Minimize using product names or jargon that audience may not be familiar with
  • Do not reference competitors in any form

Additional supplied white paper guidelines:

  • File size must be less than 10MB
  • Client must complete materials worksheet (see here) including brief overview and 3-5 key objectives
  • Client must submit transparent png file of company logo. All supplied white papers are appended with a cover page with C&EN and sponsor branding as per template.
  • Please note: C&EN Media Group reserves the right to suggest revisions or reject the white paper or app note if it doesn’t follow our set of guidelines.

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Custom White papers

Custom White papers are developed in-house by our C&ENBrandLab team of expert science writers and editors. We will work with your subject matter experts to develop a customized, informative white paper on the topic of your choice. Our C&EN BrandLab team can help you brainstorm ideas and can create content on a subject that will appeal to our audience and also position your company as a thought leader in the space. We recommend showcasing applications of your product or service with interviews of your clients or company experts to demonstrate how your product or service is being used in real life scenarios. C&EN custom white papers are promoted through C&EN Media Group’s digital channels including email, banners and posting on C&EN online.

Below are a few considerations when thinking about custom white papers:

  • Think about the kind of information you want your client to take away from reading the white paper. You would want to make it as informative as possible without making it sound like a sales pitch.
  • Consider referencing the use of the product or service in a broader sense – we can reference other similar technologies without using names to convey information in a more neutral approach
  • Refrain from referencing competitors

Additional custom white paper guidelines:

  • Provide high-resolution, print-ready figures (300 dpi or at least 1 MB in size) as well as brand guidelines and logos
  • Clients receive two rounds of revisions on the Word document of the white
  • paper as well as two rounds of revision on the PDF layout. Additional rounds will incur additional costs.
  • Client must complete materials worksheet (see here) including brief overview and 3-5 key objectives
  • C&EN reserves the right to reject any changes from clients that interfere with scientific accuracy and clarity and conciseness of language.

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C&EN Webinars allow you to present your content to our audience in real-time. As a webinar sponsor, we encourage you to enlist experts at your company or clients to present on interesting and trending topics. Webinars allow you to interact with your target audience where they can ask questions, answer polls and download resources. Information presented in the format of a webinar should include case studies and examples of how a product or service is being used to solve scientific challenges. C&EN webinars are promoted through C&EN Media Group’s digital channels including email, banners, and posting on C&EN online.

Below are a few considerations when thinking about sponsored webinars:

  • To keep attendees’ interest, present content that they wouldn’t get access to elsewhere — that’s what makes the webinar exclusive and enticing for the registrant to attend! You don’t want to show demo of your product, but rather an informational session on your topic of choice.
  • Use the webinar platform to engage with the audience through polls, surveys, and downloadable resources
  • Use an engaging subject line in your marketing collateral. Create a catchy, exciting blurb about the webinar to encourage high open rates. Scientific acronyms or technical names do not work well in subject lines.
  • Refrain from referencing competitors

Additional webinar guidelines:

  • Client must complete webinar worksheet with a concise abstract (a paragraph) of what the reader can expect from watching the webinar and a few learning objectives that briefly describe key points that will be covered in the webinar (see here)
  • Client must submit transparent png file of company logo and high-resolution photos of speakers
  • C&EN cannot provide additional changes to registration form after it has been approved and launched by client.
  • Prior to production, client must confirm event type (pre-recording or live). Client understands that additional changes to event in the back-end can be a risk for event failure.
  • Client must follow PowerPoint guidelines and recommendations to ensure successful upload to webinar platform.
  • C&EN has right to review all content for scientific accuracy and make changes to webinar copy if necessary. If suggestions are not welcome by client, client understands that lead guarantees and webinar registration/performance may be effected.

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