Recruitment Advertising
Post your job where the industry's most qualified chemistry & engineering professionals go to advance their careers.
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Recruitment Advertising with ACS and C&EN
Online Recruitment Opportunities
Transform your hiring process with digital recruitment solutions from the ACS Chemistry Careers online job board and career center. Email your job to thousands of chemistry professionals, distribute your job to a network of premier job sites, gain access to jobseeker resumes, and more!
Employer Showcase Ads
Maximize your recruitment impact by placing an ad in C&EN! Our Employer Showcase ads are enhanced line ads that feature your company’s logo and custom colors to enhance brand visibility and ensure your ad stands out effectively. Contact to get started.
Classified Ads in C&EN
Looking for something more? With over 101K print and electronic magazine subscribers, C&EN is a top ACS member benefit, providing a global platform for your recruitment ads. Contact to get started.
Job Posting Upgrades
Enhance your job visibility with online job upgrades for premium exposure. Our new online job board offers upgrades to distribute your job to external networks of diversity-oriented job sites and top military and veteran job sites, feature your job on social networks, and more to guarantee top-tier candidates see your listing.
Introducing the New
ACS Career Center!