What We’ve Read: The best of science marketing, social campaigns, and understanding research papers

By Natalia Bokhari

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Earlier this summer we posted a collection of articles from around the web, and have since gathered a new set of our favorites for our next post. Read on for the new articles that drew us in, and let us know what your favorite stories are in the comments below.

1. For your creativity:

We immediately fell in love with the site, ReallyGoodEmails.com, when we saw it on Twitter. It’s pretty much what you’d think – a collection of effective, often creative, and visually appealing emails. The site itself is all of those things as well. It’s easy to peruse the list, and the left rail lets you view the emails by category. Take a look, and see if you can find inspiration for your next email template.

Need more? Download the Salesforce PDF of slick, fun, and purposeful email campaigns from familiar companies and unique brands alike.

2. For your social campaigns:

Twitter’s been pushing their updated advertising platform, which, in our opinion, is a very useful new tool for your advertising workshop. (We’ll be discussing in more detail in an upcoming post, which will outline the effectiveness of your dollars on different social channels.) As part of their program, Twitter sends educational emails on how to use the platform, from tweet chats and webinars, tips directed at your own campaigns, and downloadable guides.

And to touch on a science-marketing related campaign, Merck recently utilized a hashtag on twitter, Throwback Thursday, to push their company’s history.

This was not a promoted tweet, but it’s a simple example on how to use a network’s specific community features, like the hashtag. While there’s not a ton of detail on this specific initiative in the actual link they posted, they’re participating in a popular, community-created feature in an unobtrusive way. How can you use this tactic? Think about the framework of your product. Do a Throwback Thursday on the discovery behind its science. There’s probably a really interesting story there. Especially on twitter, the message doesn’t always need to be directly related to your company’s brand (and most often, shouldn’t be). Give people content they’ll want to read and ask yourself, would they want to share this with their own followers?

3. For the data-minded:

In our last roundup, we linked to a summary of a leaked New York Times report, which detailed the publication’s internal thought process on its content and its future. Fast Company then jumped on the opportunity to talk to the Times‘ own chief data scientist (what a job title). There are some excellent pieces of information here on the theory of consuming content, which the Times is dedicated to figuring out.

Of the many introspective questions posed, one of our favorites to ask yourself: “How do we use metrics in a way that promotes quality, rather than simply trying to maximize quantity in a way that might threaten news judgment?” Finish the article here.

4. For ‘periodic-tabling’ everything:

We’re suckers for infographics that incorporate the periodic table, what can we say. Below is is an example of one we thought was well-done: it has a fun theme, the tips are nicely categorized, and the visuals don’t overwhelm the content. Plus, it’s about best practices for setting up a trade show booth, and as most of our readers are responsible for organizing exhibitor logistics, we thought it especially relevant! Click the picture for the full graphic.

Trade Show Elements - C&EN Media Gruop

Bonus Tip: You can contract designers for infographic projects through 99Designs.com. It’s a crowdsourcing platform, and designers will bid on your project with preliminary designs. You only pay for what you like and contract. We’ve found this especially helpful when we have our main designers busy with other projects!

5. For the non-scientist & scientific papers:

You may have seen this making the rounds on social media already, but we wanted to post here as well. Our parent organization, American Chemical Society, also publishes scientific journals along with Chemical & Engineering News. While C&EN is more topical in nature, those journals are responsible for publishing the research behind it all. If you’re a new marketer to the chemistry industry, this Huff Post article will give you tips on what to look for if and when you come across one of these scientific papers.

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